Detail of Kathleen Dreier Photography's custom fragrance oil palette taken in her in-home boutique and studio.

Most people who know me as an event and portrait photographer, aren’t aware that I had a custom fragrance business for over 20 years which began in Denver in the early 2000’s. I created one of kind custom blends for people all over the world using in-person appointments, setting up a booth at a fair or special event, and via the internet. In those 20+ years, I designed approximately 3000 distinct formulas for people. The fragrances are inclusive for individuals, couples and more, including business branding scents, or groups of people such as a wedding party. Around 2014, I went on a sabbatical from designing custom fragrances for several reasons but primarily because I was pouring all of my extra time into developing my photography business while raising my son and holding down a full time social work job. Now that my son is adult and my photography business is fully established, it is the perfect time to relaunch my custom fragrance business. Over the summer, I have been building up my fragrance supplies and beginning to design individual fragrances for former and new clients. I work with people by appointment in my in-home boutique as well as long distance via Zoom. For the time being, the news about my custom fragrance service is being broadcast by word of mouth and occasional social media posts. It will be a minute (or perhaps a year) before I am able to establish a custom fragrance website that will be bridged to my photography site. In the meantime, I will occasionally post about it here in my news blog and I invite you to contact me directly for more information. I can create a fragrance for you no matter where you live in the world. And, part of the process, is that you give your custom blend a name of your choosing to amplify the wonderfulness of who you are. The primary idea of having a custom scent goes way beyond smelling amazing, which of course you will; however, the main reason for having your own unique fragrance blend is to create what I call your “personal atmospherics” which helps you navigate the stressors of your daily life and the outside world. Several of my clients are combining having both an in person custom fragrance appointment paired with my specialized Soul Portrait session which I will talk about the next post coming up on 08/15/24.

More info:  520-245-6711 or kathleen@kathleendreier.com

A detail of Kathleen Dreier Photography's in-home boutique featuring custom fragrances, fine art photography and a portrait studio.

A detail of Kathleen Dreier Photography’s in-home boutique featuring custom fragrances, fine art photography and a portrait studio.


Kathleen Dreier Photography has relaunched her custom fragrance business in Tucson, Arizona. Contact her for more information.

Kathleen Dreier Photography has relaunched her custom fragrance business in Tucson, Arizona. Contact her for more information.


Kathleen Dreier Photography's in-home boutique featuring custom fragrances, fine art photography and a portrait studio.

Kathleen Dreier Photography’s in-home boutique featuring custom fragrances, fine art photography and a portrait studio.


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What is a Soul Portrait?

What is a Soul Portrait?

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To review Kathleen's full portfolio or to discuss your specific photography needs. Please contact Kathleen Dreier Photography for a complimentary consultation.

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