
For the entirety of our Nation’s existence, from our vaunted Founding to our present, we have both legally and illegally discriminated against people of color, most egregiously against those of African-descent. There is not one aspect of our current society that does not reflect this fact.  I will not rest until the national narrative around this injustice has once and for all changed and more importantly, until we institute a policy of national reparations to repair these injustices that have led to vast inequality between Black and White in our Nation. It is duly un-American to continue to ask African-Americans to solely bear the historical brunt force trauma of their enslavement, the Black Codes and Jim Crow. It is long overdue for White Americans to claim this tragic, violent history and its present impact by showing our support-monetarily, emotionally, physically and mentally- for the Black community.  Only when we as a Nation right these old wrongs, can we truly claim “Liberty and Justice for All”.
